U.S.S. Caperton Links to other sites


This is a listing of Links to other websites that are related to all things related to the DD-650. This includes information on the ship at other webistes, info about destroyers in general, and websites related to both World War II and the Korean Conflict. If you know of a site that should be on this list, please email me at donald@caperton.info and I will get it added.


Caperton DD-650
A great website by Mr. Earl Hawkins about his life and times aboard the Destroyer DD-650 USS Caperton.

Admiral Caperton, Arlington Cemetery
Photograph and information on the burial site of Admiral William Banks Caperton.

The USS Kidd
Website about the USS Kidd which has become a floating museum and which the USS Caperton donated some of her parts to restore.

Naval historical Center
From the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting ships, a brief history of the USS Caperton and Admiral Wm. Caperton

Adm. William Banks Caperton Biography
This page has a very good biography of Rear Admiral William Banks Caperton, the person the USS Caperton DD-650 was named after

Haze Gray and Under Way
Haze Gray and Under Way is a site with an incredible amount of historical Naval information and photgraphs.

Tin Can Sailors
This is the National Association of Destroyer Veterans website. The site has a wealth of information on Destroyers and boasts over 23,000 members!

HullNumber.com's mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another.